Friday, 21 September 2012

By Way of Introduction

I shall start by letting you know a little about where I live. Having grown up in the far north  of Sussex (barely within the boundary line), it took me some time to adjust to the Sussex found by the sea. Even within the meagre 30 miles between the home I grew up in and the home I have now with my husband the climate is softer and the landscape is totally different. I live in the peace and quiet of Eastbourne, slung halfway between the rather more exciting towns of Brighton and Hastings. The faded glamour of the town’s past are still the jewels in the crown; we still have the Grand Hotel, the hidden Italian Gardens, palm tree lined walkways and the Band Stand. 

Eastbourne still seems to carry the burden reputation of being the ideal summer holiday escape for those in the late-autumn of their years. In fact, if I was trying to set any fashionable reputation I should really try to market myself as a Brightonion. It is quite noticeable when the summer visitors have settled in to enjoy the heady pleasures of the seaside town as there is no way of quickly popping out to the shops without stopping every other minute to let the holiday goers amble over the road. I suppose the positive is having the opportunity to test the brakes on the car. Right now, Autumn has truly settled over the town and Eastbourne again belongs to us lucky enough to live in the area year round.

The view from the southern windows in our flat look out to the sea and the north facing ones look over the town. Occasionally we are given a spectacle such as this:

I am sure I will show you more of Eastbourne, alongside other bits and pieces of my life. More than all this I will try to show you flowers and things I find beautiful. I will also do my utmost to be a half-decent blogger, though I'm not promising anything.

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